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 tangerinefish (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Even on a BBW site, I'm not immune to the fat insults. |
Deleted. Sorry for breakin' the rules! This post can be deleted, I wasn't able to find the option to do it myself.
It is against the rules to post negative comments in the forums about other members. In this particular case, we obviously became aware of this long after it happened, and long after a number of people saw the post and commented on it. In the future, if you see any member post a negative comment about another member, report the post. If someone does something inappropriate (in your view), report them and let us look into it. Thanks!
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 daydreamer86 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
First let me say that, that guys is a d*ck and I don't know where you would but I would report it. What an *sshole....
I've never had that problem here but I have on other bbw sites and it really does suck. I can understand you putting your guard back up but don't leave it there for too long because of that guy. He probably won't be on here long because I'm sure he will show his true colors to enough women that no one talk to him.
That really kinda pissed me off that someone would say that on here . Well I'm sorry that you had to be subject to hmi and I hope that there is a way to report his @ss.
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`you know I took a look at this guys profile and it says that he is in an open relationship which means that the woman he has already or man,because I don't know which way he swings at any given time,he doesn't respect.If he is 34,which it says he is on his profile,then he apparently hasn't had much of an upbringing and probably spoke to his mom in this way or listened to his dad speak to his mom in this way.That does not in any way give him an excuse because at his age he could have made the choice to not speak to another human being in such a vile manner.You should report this guy and you should block him.I am so sorry this happened to you
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Joined: September 24, 2008
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`Keep in mind too, there can be prank people on this site too. Make up fake accounts and say rude things to hurt people's feeling.
If he is a "real" person, he's not worth the dirt on the bottom of your shoe. Move on, lady :)
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 tangerinefish (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Thank you ladies, I completely agree. I tried to look into reporting him, but it was mostly under the guidelines of "spam" which it didn't qualify. I immediately blocked him, and I'm over it. I don't know him, I exchanged one phrase with him, he's not worth my time. I feel better just having his name out there as someone to avoid as who knows what his true intentions are.
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Joined: October 26, 2008
Posts: 236
Posted: Post subject: |
`sweetheart, NO-ONE deserves to be talked to like that and I bet anything he's just as stupid in person and it probably was a good thing that you closed the chat, even though it was by accident.
Good ridance, I say.
Lifes too short to waste even a nano second thinking about this putz.
Yeah, girl power!!
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`I know some of you say move on forget about him but his words carried an impact or else tangerinefish would not of felt it necessary to put her thoughts and even a little show of how it affected her emotionally in an open forum.Btw tangerinefish if you go to where the admin has posted something in any forum and click on his pic(left click)it will take you to his page and you can leave a message for him ok.I hope this helps and I think you did the right thing by posting it or in some circles it could be seen as you sharing your feelings which I say good for you for doing so.Your feelings are real and words can and sometimes do cut us to our core.Imo if you acted as if such hard words didn't matter to you then how are you that much different from the non-feeling bag of words sharpened for cutting guy that said that awful stuff.Imo people need to feel wanted and appreciated and they need to know that their thoughts and feelings count.
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 brittanyyyerin (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`What an @ssh*le. You're beautiful! Why would someone who's on this site be making comments like that to begin with? hmm..
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 mizcurious3 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`It's good you let us know and by posting his name on here I hope it helps others who are contacted by this ugly, ignorant person. Because even if it is a prank, no one has the right to insult another person in that manner. It's nice to know we have each others backs .
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`ok tangerinefish we need an update on how things are going with you.Have you met anyone from here or from another site perhaps? How are you feeling nowadays? How were your holidays? Hope to hear back from you soon so until then know that ur in my prayers.gbu
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 charliesmile (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Re: Even on a BBW site, I'm not immune to the fat insults. |
tangerinefish wrote: I don't how many others have this issue, but I've heard a lot of insults in my life about my weight, and coming to this site it was nice to hear compliments. Since I've been here I've let my guard down quite a bit and this put it back up again. It's quite unfortunate to hear those things of all places on a BBW/BHM admirer site. Anyone else have a similar experience?
for what it's worth, tangerinefish, there's at least one guy on this site who thinks you are a wonderful woman.
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Joined: April 30, 2007
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Though maybe closing the chat accidentally made him feel rejected so he lashed out in a way he was sure would hurt you.
Either way he's an asshat.
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Joined: May 9, 2010
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`The fact he ended the insult with "lol" should tell you to instantly subtract 100 IQ points and not take it too seriously.
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Joined: May 26, 2010
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`i'm gonna just say this right now most guys and girls can be @ssh*les , but some guys and girls can be really sweet and caring about the person they are with or want to be with , i'm just speaking for myself on this one , i'm just a big sweet heart and i really dont care about weight or s--- like that , all i care about is just making you happy as long as you dont cheat lie and steal than i'm cool with you
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 monkeyluv61 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`weight is jus a num and he is an @ssh*le and imature u jus brush things lyk dat off cause some ppl are jus plain rude and stupidd
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